Sunday, March 22, 2020

Watching Other Items

I’m going to continue to try and keep this blog focused on other items vs. deep dives into the virus as I think that is being covered very well elsewhere.  (See the #NGAalerts online and amazing coverage at Glass Magazine/  There will be a few items though that I’ll need to comment on that have a connection to this on-going issue, but my goal is to give everyone a batch of “normal” in this current sea of “unbelievable”

Kicking off this week, one to watch.  On March 18th the latest Architectural Billings Index was released.  Because our focus is elsewhere it garnered almost no attention.  The latest report is for February and it was compiled before things turned upside-down.   The index came in with an excellent score of 53.4.  These results in many categories were awesome with strong numbers in a few regions of the US and application areas.  So knowing how things have changed and with the worry and hysteria evolving, will the long run of the ABI and its effect on our industry (which is at least 9-12 months away) hold up?  Keeping jobsites open (or getting them re-opened quickly) is a key for sure and something that we are all watching very closely.  April 22nd is the next release and that Index will probably be frighteningly low (because its tracking right now), but hopefully by then we’ll be in better place. 


--  Obviously the way we do business- face to face in so many ways- is going to change.  It’s been interesting to see how companies are evolving and the ideas they are putting into play.  Some very smart moves are being made to roll with these punches and be ahead of the new normal.  As some of these tactics get rolled out, I’ll share a few here….

--  With no sports on TV or movies to go to, time to read more right?  Last week I got ahead of myself on mentioning the Top Fabricator edition when I had missed reviewing the “World of Glass” edition from last month.  So this week I’ll give you what to look for in the previous and next week the current.  Both are obviously worth the read!  The “World of Glass” cover is a stunner in that you will be mesmerized by that picture!  At least I was…  Inside the content to jump on in my opinion was the entire “World of Glass” section that was penned by the supremely talented Norah Dick.  This deep dive into where the world was at the time will now be something to review as we see where our world goes in this current landscape.  There were many items in that section I was not aware of- such as deals and joint ventures- and I consider myself pretty tuned in.  So gaining that additional knowledge is appreciated.  Also appreciated is anytime Matt Johnson of the Gary Law Group writes.  Really interesting piece on insurance changes in the market.  Those are just two sections in a really strong overall magazine.

--  Ad of the month goes to Swisspacer.  Brilliant use of picture and showing warm vs. cold- great use of color.  Strong and impressive ad!  Congrats to the folks there on a job well done!

--  Some good industry news amongst all else… Congrats to Bill Daubmann and the My Shower Door/D3 Glass team for being named to the Inc. Magazine Top Florida business list.  They were the only glass related company on the rundown and its yet another honor for this great organization.  I have always liked the Daubmann’s approach to business, on social media, and their support of the industry so it’s good to see them getting continued recognition!

--  Also a hearty congrats to my friends at Diamon-Fusion International (DFI) on their latest innovation release.  The FuseCube Express looks like a fantastic solution for coating of glass and a smart progression of their product line.  Love the push forward and the marketing guy in me absolutely adored the home page they built for it.   Great work Syndi Sim and DFI.

--  Last this week… What happens when a glass house needs new glass?  And not just any old “glass house” either.  How about the legendary “Glass House” in a cool case study here….


I can’t do a headline to do this one justice.  Pigs, Poops, and Fires?

I’m good with this tradeoff….

Gaming is not just for the young.  Even a 95 year old is heavy into it


This week the honor goes to the folks at Momentum Glass, along with W+W for this awesome point supported beauty at the Bank of America project.  Really perfect layout, clean and sharp.  Kudos to all involved here.  No other building product could look as good as glass here.  No other building product would deliver the experience glass gives.  We truly do have the best around and work like this helps cement that every day for me.  Great work folks!

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