Sunday, November 15, 2015

MVP- The Runners Up

Before I start, I just wanted to extend my thoughts and prayers to everyone in France and also affected by this awful tragedy.  It is incredibly sad and scary.  Peace needs to rule in our world…somehow.

A few years ago I started the Industry MVP award here on the blog to recognize people and companies for their efforts and support of the glass and glazing industry.  Obviously there are quite a few candidates that deserve credit for what they do, so trying to narrow it down has become quite the challenge.  So let’s begin with a reminder of past winners and nominees before we get to the runners up for 2015. 


Winner was Tracy Rogers of Quanex

Runners up:
Tom Culp
Mark Silverberg
Ed Zaucha
Mic Patterson
Oliver Stepe
Dr. Helen Sanders
Scott Thomsen

Note: All but Scott are still very active and influential in the industry.  Scott retired but his legacy thanks to  “Battle for the Wall” and great technology lives on.


Winner was CR Laurence

Runners up:
John Wheaton
Rick Wright
Tom O’Malley
Bernard Lax

Note: See what happens when you win Industry MVP from me?  Your company becomes a part of the biggest deal of the century!  LOL. 

So on to 2015.  Here are the runners up.  The winner will be presented on my last scheduled blog of 2015 in mid December.  Nominees were gathered from my knowledge of who’s who, along with several submissions from readers and followers of this blog.  I then narrowed the field to 5 using the criteria that included some of the following categories:
Overall Influence in 2015 on the industry
Industry Support
My opinion and knowledge of them and what they do. After all it’s my blog and my award right?   

After that I studied the 5 candidates against each other and then determined the MVP.  Which is tough because all of these people and companies (as the same with the ones from previous years) are certainly deserving of this huge honor.  And to note, this is all on me, it has nothing to do with Glass Magazine (who graciously runs my blog weekly) or GlassBuild America- they don’t even know who I am picking etc. 

The runners up for 2015 feature 2 companies and 2 people.  They are listed in no particular order. 

Walker Glass- This is a company that is always at every industry event and meeting. And they just don’t attend to attend; they are active, with many of their folks on or leading committees.  In addition they have made great technology advancements and this year made a major splash with their heavy push into bird safe glass.  The team there led by owners Lee Harrison and Ross Christie may be the nicest people around too.  So it’s a great mix, nice, hard working people, doing very good things for our world. 

Garret Henson- Viracon- I think if I mention Garret any more he may take out a PPO on me.  So this will be the last time. (at least in 2015)  Still very deserving and he cemented his place here with his performance at the Glazing Executive Forum in September.  He takes very smart approaches to selling and his massive embrace of communication is something I wish more would do.  He’s also built a team around him at Viracon that always impresses and makes our industry look good.

Dip Tech- The other company on our list is this great Israeli organization.  Dip Tech has been very impressive in basically creating a new market from scratch.  They have some incredibly engaging people that are always innovating, always looking to see what else they can do to support the cause.  They could’ve chosen to sit back and soak in their successes but that has not been the case.  Plus they are active and supportive within in the industry in many different forums and open to every idea.

Kris Vockler- ICD- I will say personally I consider Kris a close friend.  She is a fantastic person is a part of one of the best families this industry has.  Professionally though is where this nomination comes from.  The time, care, and effort Kris puts in at the trade level via GANA is impressive.  Her desire for an overall advancement in the way the industry works is extremely admirable and needed.    On the business side ICD (with lots of credit to Kris’ dad Larry) has been pushing the envelope for years in similarity to what I said about Dip Tech.  They could sit back- but don’t and that’s due to the drive Kris has.

So there you have it… these 4 did not grab the prize (which they may actually be happy about coming from me…) but they deserve recognition for their efforts.  Next month I’ll recognize the 2015 MVP and the only hint is it’s a person, not a company this year….

Congrats to the folks above.  And THANK YOU for doing what you do for this industry. 


Creative Judge uses Taylor Swift lyrics in a decision over Taylor Swift lyrics.

So many good movies coming… including the concussion movie ripping the NFL.

Awful website name but cool link.  One line from 36 songs that get the song stuck in your head.  More for music lovers of 80’s and 90’s


Thanks to the great Dave Gillikin for this great reminder of one of the best TV episodes of all time.  The WKRP in Cincinnati featuring a Thanksgiving Day promotion gone wrong.  This, as was the show itself, a major classic!

1 comment:

Rich said...

Classic Les Nessman