Sunday, June 02, 2024

The Chill Period

((NOTE- I am posting on LinkedIn each week too- please follow me there as well))

We’re about to run into the slower news season in our space after this week with a gaggle of meetings/events from AIA, FGIA, Fenetech, HAGA, and Vitrum, among others. Traditionally, summer is when all of our operations are at their busiest, so it makes sense to pull away from any major event.  So, a good chance for everyone to focus internally and keep plugging away.  Before we get there, though, I am very curious about how AIA will do this week in Washington, DC.  In the last several years, the show has been awful for exhibitors because the organizers did not care if anyone ever hit the floor or not.  It seems like this year, with a different focus, there is hope that there’ll be some traffic to the exhibits.  We’ll see.  I won’t be there, but I know a bunch attending/exhibiting, so I look forward to hearing all about it.

I am sure the other ones I mentioned will do great. I was honored to be at the HAGA one last year at this time, and I know the organizers of FGIA, Fenetech, and Vitrum’s efforts have put together first-class events.

Also, a note for this week… Registration OPENS for NGA Glass Conference; Milwaukee coming in August.  This event is a CRUCIAL one for the technical and operational side of our industry and the initial agenda is loaded with important subject matter.  More to come I am sure but check it out HERE and get to Milwaukee for it! 


-- If you missed the latest From the Fabricator podcast, this is your friendly reminder.  Feedback on this one has been great and it actually has garnered more questions than my normal podcasts get.  The session with Tom O’Malley of Clover and Kevin Mayer of PurOptima had people really digging into the interior space and recognizing a very promising area.  The segment with Travis Nevins and Matt Fox of IUPAT had folks gaining “aha” moments about where the IUPAT plays and what they do. Plus, more than a few people asked me if Matt could introduce them to his famous High School classmate.  All in all, there are a ton of takeaways from both sets of guests, and I very much appreciate their time in doing the pod and all of you listening, watching, sharing, etc. 


AUDIO (and search “From the Fabricator” on Apple, Spotify, or wherever to listen to podcasts!)

-- As you may have seen or heard with the podcast, I did add a new sponsor: FHC-Frameless Hardware Company. FHC made other news last week by unveiling their new location in Irving, Texas! This is exciting news for the team as the growth continues. Congrats to all involved, and I look forward to what comes next!

-- Also, from last week- the Best Places to Live top 10 had a lot of action around it, and it dawned on me that these lists truly are meant for debate, but this one more than any others.  The always astute Chris Dolan (“Megatron” Dolan may be retired, but he’s still reading the blog) told me he thought this list was generated by AI, and I think he nailed it!  Also, I did hear from NGA’s Digital Media Authority Bethany Stough that Maine is very worthy of being on that list.  So that counts!  In any case, I still love bringing them to light and sharing, so I guess I am the perfect consumer for it whether they are real or not!

-- The Gold Standard in PR in our space is Heather West, and this past week, we got the latest addition to that always impressive resume.  THIS STUDY from Heather and Tubelite is a great read and I love how the whole project came together.  (Though if you know me, I want more glass on every project but I’ll pick my spots)  Kudos to everyone involved in this one that again makes our industry stand out in a positive manner!

-- So I assume everyone saw the big news that Vitro Architectural Glass and the Pittsburgh Steelers are working together?  Really neat and exciting stuff and will raise the image of our industry in a few ways.  Congrats to Vitro for a brilliant move there.  But for me, the stunner was seeing long-time Dallas Cowboy superfan Ricardo Maiz leaning into the Steeler fandom.  Holding the jersey and helmet and smiling.  So it is safe to say that Ricardo has left the Cowboys behind and is all in on the Steelers now?  May have to buy him a throwback Terry Bradshaw jersey! 

-- Last this week… Did you catch this story? A Past Boston Marathon Winner owed prize money, and it wasn’t the Marathon organizers who ended up paying her. That's a wild one. But it's also crazy that the Marathon (and evidently other races) work this way. 


Our priorities at the US government level are insanely off.

This looks like a tiny house that sold for a ton, but it’s still 1500 sq ft.

Yes another frightening cyber crime that gets no coverage or attention.  Very worrisome.


I could actually have a dedicated section for W&W Glass with some of the work they have going on…. There’s already been a ton of talk on the 58-foot glass fin project in Erie, PA (not a typo- that is 58 feet), so I figured I’d pop on another job. (And if you haven’t seen that job, I’ll send ya the links, or I am sure it will end up in the comments) This is JFK Terminal 6, and it is coming along nicely and one I hope to get to see when I go through JFK to fly to Germany for glasstec this coming October. (Side note- I am flying on Condor Airlines.  Not sure if that is a real airline or not- we’ll see)  Or if I can get to NY sooner!  The Haber family and everyone at W&W are just so impressive and laser-focused on raising the bar out there and making our industry look great.

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