Sunday, April 10, 2022

Catch Up Time

It has been so hectic lately that it’s probably time for a quick hit blog covering a wide range of subjects- so here goes.


--  Show time continues!  So we just passed BEC, GPAD, Glass Expo NE, and Advocacy Days but the fun and networking continues.  Coming up on the 20thof April is Top Glass Canada which is one event I always wanted to attend and this year I’ll be there! Every year the assortment of speakers and exhibits there look more inviting than the last and I am honored that I’ll be among the mix of presenters for 2022.  Very excited for that and to also visit my friends in Canada.  So if you are not signed up or want to learn more- go HERE to learn more!


--  After that, next up is the classic bi-annual event in the great state of Texas- the Texas Glass Conference on May 13th.  The folks at the Texas Glass Association are awesome and this event is one I never miss. It will always be a thrill to be involved with this conference for me, and I’m excited to present there.  In addition they added a special keynote as well. Being able to hear from Kris “Tanto” Paronto makes it even more of “can’t miss” show.  The details and more can be found HERE.  


One big takeaway from the past two years of zooms is that we should never ever take these in-person events for granted anymore.  So if you are in either of these regions, sign up and get to the shows!




--  Speaking of events- I noted last week I would recap GPAD here more.  The Glass Processing and Automation Days event really was amazing.  The technology available right now to the fabricator is mind blowing.  The opening “whole factory” panel was great, Burkle blew people away, and I loved seeing the technology from Lattuada and hearing about new stuff from the IGE folks.  Overall tremendous presentations throughout the event showing what is new and next.  Plus, some really good down to earth focus and advice from folks like Terry Hessom (an absolute great from my past) of Salem/HHH and Chris Cullum of CMS.  Both guys gave the audience a ton to think about as they approach things day to day in their operations. If you are a fabricator you simply can’t afford to miss what’s next in this space.


--  The NGA and its amazing members played a massive role in the Advocacy Days events in Washington DC this week coinciding the International Year of Glass. The opportunity for so many amazing leaders in our space to talk with the “powers that be” in the US is hugely impactful.  This is something that we rarely ever had a chance to do and this past week not only did our industry accomplish it but they knocked it out of the park.  Massive props to everyone who participated. Glass Magazine has had insightful coverage for more info there.


--  GREAT news this week for a super good guy. Frank D’Aprile landed an excellent new gig… Director of Preconstruction at the KenPat Group of Companies.  KenPat is an interesting organization, 5 different companies all working together in the building product space and Frank’s role is a crucial one- and one he will excel at!  Happy for Frank on this great gig and a savvy move by KenPat bringing him on.


--  Next week I’ll be dropping an amazing podcast with guests from a few different angles of our industry. So get ready for some fascinating and diverse insights.    Recording them all this week… thank you in advance for checking it out!


--  Congrats to the fine folks at Binswanger Glass on their 150thanniversary!  That is huge.  I am honored that I had 5 year+ connection to them and many of people I got to work with are still there and plugging along.  The video they produced (which includes an all-time favorite of mine Rusty Nails) is a great watch.  Kudos to the team there on the celebration run up and on congratulations again on the anniversary!


--  Last this week… Another TV watch… “WeCrashed” on Apple is a fun one and based on a true story of what happened at the WeWork company.  I had been following that WeWork story for a while and have seen a few documentaries on it, so seeing the dramatic recreation has been pretty fun for me. If you are unaware of the story, it is a wild one of runaway spending, egos, and "interesting" business practices.



--  Dogs always come through. And classy family here on the way they reacted.


--  This had to be one of the most ridiculous lawsuits ever.  Good on the judge!


--  The wild story of a rogue flamingo!



To Texas for this sharp school project from MS Glass.  Good use of glass inside and out and really impressed by the growth of Raj Karimi and the team there.  From the LinkedIn post Vitro and Tristar were tagged in so I assume they were the glass fab partners so congrats to those guys too for grabbing the project of the week spotlight.  Congrats to all involved and keep up the great work!

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