Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Famous Deaths and Cap & Trade

What a wild week it has been… a huge part of the 70’s and 80’s culture dies all within a few days, and the Cap and Trade disaster makes it past the congress. And amazingly they are both linked. Thanks to Michael Jackson passing, the media spent a ton of time on him and very little on the Cap and Trade bill that could dramatically affect our industry. This bill will hamstring the float glass industry and the trickledown effect will be severe. If you care one iota about this business you will educate yourself on this issue or you will contact GANA to get the details and then get with your Senators to fight before this thing becomes law. And because of the supermajority in the Senate, there’s no doubt that most of this bill will make it through. Like me or hate me (and I know most of you hate me- at least the loser anonymous ones) please at least take my call on this one. As bad as the NFRC is, as much as you probably “hate” the surcharge, those things will pale in comparison to this.

Basically here’s the deal… this bill will make it very expensive for the domestic operators to do their thing. Which means we get more imports… And even though many of you love the imports, keep in mind two things. One they will sell direct. They are doing it now and will do it more in the future. (But for some reason people don’t care about the whole selling direct gig. It’s baffling to me) Two… have fun going back on them when you have an issue. On top of that the energy portions of this bill could push glass and glass usage out the door. Since glass is our life, we kinda need to have it everywhere. Again that’s the basic info, if you want true education, go to GANA and they will explain it professionally.


-- Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon (the entertainer, not the cool metal guy from Texas) and Billy Mays all pass away within a week. Unreal… By the way Farrah easily one of my first loves…

-- One major thing everyone should do while times are tougher is to try and stay ahead of the competition. A good way is education. I prop and pimp stuff all the time here and I have a good one today. The Glass Management Institute (GMI) is a terrific way to learn and get ahead. Click here for the website. Seriously check it out and yes, I am involved in it, so that’s a reason to talk about it here, but the other instructors are very, very strong and worthwhile. (and much better than me, that’s for sure!)I am huge fan of guys like Rod Van Buskirk and Jeff Haber as they are truly top notch industry guys. I can also tell you the people who took the class last year really benefited from it, so it really is worth it. So this is a chance to get ahead of the game, get ahead of the competition and educate yourself, your co workers and your employees.

-- Last Friday I got to talk to the one and only Greg Carney. Simply awesome to hear his voice and thrilled that day by day he is getting stronger. The GANA Fall conference will be great for many reasons but will be even better by being able to see Greg in person!

-- Saw last Thursday that the bogus anti-trust lawsuit was progressing. If there is justice this suit will go the way of the manufacturers. Believe me if I thought they were even close to guilty I would say it. But they are not. And knowing how this thing was “manufactured” by ambulance chasing lawyers, it just makes me sick that it’s progressed even this far.

-- By the way I see Karl Malden died today too… wow what a run of famous people passing.

Off to the links…

Thank goodness for the awesome “Link Chick” as without her there’s no way I get any links to this blog lately…

-- More goofy fees from the airlines… this one is a rough one because it’s another fee for baggage which means more people carry on, and then life gets miserable on the plane… if you fly a lot you know exactly what I mean…

-- Very cool story, the toughest Laptop around.. even surviving a Tiger! See I cherish my lap top… but my phone I drop every two seconds… that’s one that I need protection for….

-- This one was mainstream a bit this week before everyone famous started to die. It’s about a girl who doesn’t age…. And it’s baffling her doctors…

Video of the week
My old college roommate Brad sent this to me (even he now reads this blog… poor guy) and its pretty awesome. Some of the best sports press conference moments set to an incredibly cool tune. I wish I could download it on Itunes… that catchy…

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