Saturday, March 04, 2006

Another Meeting

Well we are on the eve of yet another NFRC meeting. Yes it seems like yesterday they just met in that well populated and easy to get to locale of Santa Fe New Mexico.
In actuality its been 3 months and thankfully the next meeting is not until late July giving the travel club a rest.

Not sure what will come out of this meeting but one thing I hope gets some action- the NFRC Board awarded a $30,000 grant to Gary Curtis and his "Commercial Window Initiative" for education. WHAT A SHOCKER HUH! Yes Gary recused himself (and this is not a shot at Gary, he should do what he can to support his organizations- this is a shot at the NFRC for doing what it does best, pander to their own self interests) from the vote BUT look at who the biggest sponsors of CWI are... Cardinal (2 votes on the board with Jim Larsen and their lawyer Garrett Stone- yeah gotta love THAT balance on the board) and Mikron (though Marv Stover supposedly resigned from the Board because he is not with Mikron- but there has been no press release on that and plus Marv being a past chairman made a lot of friends in the past) so Gary and CWI getting the money was a rubber stamp.

I think my blog will ask for money next since the NFRC is in such a giving mood.

How can members of this organization, who pay tons of cash stand for this?!?

Anyway, instead of using the money to improve processes and try to remove costs, they use the money to support their own and educate people about a program (non res) that has not been finalized yet.

And on the Stover thing- I guess powerhouse PR firm Potomac Communications is not able to "spin" a release on that. This is yet another board member in the last year who has quit and there has NEVER been a public mention. LOVE THAT TRANSPARENCY! (Kate Offringa resigns last summer, she is just quietly removed from all records, Ken Nittler who was outspoken and into the process resigns and he becomes a lab version of Casper, and now Marvelous Marv packs it in and despite being a past chair gets the Hoffa treatment. )

Well anyway I really expect this meeting to be uneventful. Many of the regular travel clubbers won't be there because theres been tons of meetings in the last 3 weeks and I guess a lot of these folks actually had to work this week.

Another fun day at the ranch....

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