Sunday, September 08, 2024

Sales, Operations. Safety

The latest From the Fabricator podcast is out, and once again, I was lucky to have three fabulous people on.  This time out, though, we had some clear divisions- sales, then operations, then safety. Kicking it off was the fantastic Diana San Diego of SAFTI First.  Very sharp insight into what they do, growth of the fire-rated space, and solid sales and marketing approaches.  Then, Chris Cordle of the Specialty Fenestration Group joined me to discuss Lean Manufacturing and Operations.  I was impressed with Chris and loved his thought process, and I appreciate his success in implementing smart angles at his company.  Last, we had safety on the menu when Merv Campbell of Omni Cubed joined me.  More and more, we talk about culture, and more and more, that has to start with the right tools and apparatus for our folks.  Merv delivers. Thank you for checking it all out!!

AUDIO (and search for From the Fabricator on Spotify, Apple or wherever you listen to pods)


Note- With GlassBuild coming I’ve got a busier pod schedule than normal, so good stuff to listen to on the way to the show- coming soon!

Thank you to FHC Frameless Hardware Company for the sponsorship.


-- Speaking of FHC- huge news hit this week that Don Friese will be getting back into business and joining FHC in what the press release said was a “focused yet limited involvement, where he plans to invest in education initiatives and serve as a strategic advisor to FHC” – this is absolutely awesome.  Mr. Friese has done so much already for our industry, and to now get back and even look to go further on education, etc.?  That is a win!  Welcome back!!

-- I have known Kevin Roth at Privacy Glass Solutions for a while and have always admired his approach and so I was super excited for him when I saw he announced a joint effort with Guardian Glass on a new product called “Lyto™” – It is a full blackout, between-the-glass, automated micro-shade technology designed and developed by Guardian Glass which Kevin and Privacy will commercialize.  Check it out at link below.  Love it.  Can’t wait to see it at GlassBuild!

-- This dive (below) into Boeing's dysfunction was very interesting. I guess they need a bunch of Chris Cordle’s to fix that mess. Hopefully, they all listen to my podcast. Seriously, though, it's a little scary with regard to such a crucial maker of the planes that many of us fly on.

-- Love the lists- this one my good friend Scott Goodman shared with me… Top places in the US to retire… (Was he sending me a message like “you should really consider retiring?” or just being nice on a great link? LOL)

Here we go…

10- Atlanta, GA- Kinda surprising to me- never thought of Atlanta as the retiring type.

9- Casper, WY- I could see this- though I don’t believe I have ever been to Wyoming

8- St Petersburg, FL- Makes sense traditionally

7- Cincinnati, OH- Hey I love lots of Ohio, but not sure Cincy is a retirement destination

6- Scottsdale, AZ- Another traditional play

5- Ft Lauderdale, FL- I have to assume this includes Boca Raton, right?

4- Tampa, FL- How is Tampa that much higher than St. Pete?

3- Minneapolis, MN- Bill Sullivan is brilliant.  He’s retiring and picked the 3rd best place to do so!

2- Miami, FL- this is really based on the past- it is ultra-expensive now- just can’t see it.

And #1

Orlando, FL- This shocks me.  Of all the Florida locales on the list, I think this makes the least sense. I love Orlando and the outskirts (especially the Space Coast) but still don’t grasp this being #1.

Personally, how can many spots in Texas, Lake Norman, NC and virtually anywhere in South Carolina not be on this list.  Wild to me. 

The list and details are here.

-- Kudos to the great Kyle Sword of NSG Pilkington as once again this year, he and a very brave team of folks repelled down a skyscraper in Toledo to raise money for The Victory Center-Non-Profit Cancer Wellness Center. Kyle did it in style, too, rocking a very cool Hawaiian shirt, so not only is he clutch, but he’s stylish, too.  Nice work to all who raised money for an extremely important group!

-- Last week, a programming note. I won't be blogging next week. I'm taking a breather in preparation for the heavy run through GlassBuild. (Have you registered yet? Don’t delay—do it now vs. doing it on-site!!) When I come back, I’ll have another fresh podcast with a few newsmakers in our space who will have prominent roles at the show, so that will be good listening/watching for your way into town!


-- A little initial justice served here- tech guy boasting that he was using strangers to stalk his ex and kids gets arrested.

-- Incredibly ridiculous “sting op” in Nevada over rides to Burning Man.  I swear our public agencies right now are THE worst.

-- The death of a Russian Spy Whale. (That may be the oddest sentence I have every written here)


From the feed of Amanda Drake- this was a project from Berkeley Glass- Ranson Elementary School.  Not a massive project but still looking good and will be a nice picture when complete and the grounds landscaped.  Nice work Amanda and the Berkeley Glass team and all of the suppliers who also took part!!

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Blog #1000

1000. That is a heck of a number.  And it is also the number of this post.  Starting with post 1 in 2005, we’ve now reached post number 1000.  I’m blown away that this bit of “therapy” I started years ago is still plugging along weekly.  “Therapy,” I called it since I missed my broadcasting days and needed an additional outlet to vent as I had a monthly article in one of the trades, but this allowed me to be more active.  That turned out to eventually be weekly posts. When I started this effort, it was to bring some light to the issue of the NFRC getting involved in our industry, with side dishes of China talk, green building and fantasy football.  Seriously I did write that about fantasy football, but I don’t think that ever took off.  Dang.  I mean in 2005 there was a dearth of that stuff.  Now it’s crazy saturated.  Missed that boat.  LOL.  Also, when I started this, I was much younger, overly bold & wreckless, and pretty immature. I took many shots at a lot of different people and organizations.  It seemed fun/effective in the moment, but it really wasn’t and I guess that is the part of growing- I can surely see where I was sideways.  As the years went on, I evolved, as did this blog.  Less flamethrowing (though I’ll toss a grenade here and there when warranted- but I hope with fair reason vs. me in 2006-ish) and more news and views and sharing recognition on so many deserving folks who would otherwise probably not get the pub they deserve. In doing all this, I was blessed to grow my network, which I am super proud of and grateful for. I also started a business in the middle of it all too- which being able to talk with all of you helped that along as well. Bottom line?  There is nothing better than getting to know the great people in this industry.  All of that said…. Thank you.  Thank you for reading and supporting.  Thank you to those of you who read me waaaay back in the day (like Joe Erb as an example) who continue to always support me and thank you to anyone who recently found this or the podcast.  I am grateful.  I love this industry.  I love doing this blog.  And my goal is to keep going as long as people read and have interest.  1000 posts.  Blows me away. 


-- One of the staples over the years for me is doing a monthly Glass Magazine review- so it’s pretty appropriate that this special post has one of those reviews in it.  The current issue is the Glass Magazine Awards edition, and I have already noted my respect for the winners in a previous post.  Stunning.  But this issue has a ton more to check out.  Articles on labor, technology, and law are all must-reads.  Plus, a thoughtful AI piece to end the issue made it great.  Good stuff!  The ad of the month is always a heck of a challenge for me to pick and this month was no exception.  Winner though for me was the “Jumbo” ad from Glasswerks in LA.  Fun ad that had a lot going on. Sometimes that could be a distraction but this one worked nicely.  Kudos to Glasswerks team on this one!

-- GlassBuild month is here!  Soon, we’ll all be in Dallas.  Are you registered?  Question.  If you’ve decided NOT to go- hit me up.  I’m curious on why. Not judging but curious.  Obviously, as I have noted a few times in the past few weeks, things are a little rough in certain spots in the US, but I'm not sure if it’s that or something else that may hold you back from the biggest and most important show of the year in North America. (Programming? Exhibitors?  Location? Me?)  Also, if I can answer any questions etc- let me know! Reminder for free show entry: please feel free to use MAXPOD at checkout.  Thanks!

-- Design for mental health and wellbeing is a growing and important trend.  One person taking the lead is old friend Dustin Anderson.  Dustin has always been on the front end of these items and now it’s great that he is now pushing it in his designs.  Good stuff from Dustin and surely more to come!

-- Double dose of kudos to the “Nicolas Cage” of our industry Ian Patlin.  (If you ever have seen “National Treasure” and the way Cage deciphers ancient maps, that is how Ian deciphers the most complicated specs and plans- brilliant) Ian and his company Phoenix Architectural Glass + Metal are celebrating their 3rd anniversary!  Congrats!  PLUS- he just launched what could be the nicest website in our industry. I am jealous of him and his team on this one.  Beautiful.

-- Last this week- it’s not fantasy football, but over the 1000 posts here, I always make sports predictions and always for Pro Football.  So, with the season about to start, it's time for the glass ball to come out and make the choices.  I have decided you can’t pick against Patrick Mahomes.  He’s too good.  Amazingly, I am taking the Chiefs to win it all… again… over the Dallas Cowboys. Everyone is counting the Cowboys out, but that Dallas GlassBuild magic will transfer over…. And yes, I obviously want the Detroit Lions in the Super Bowl, but I will not put that pressure on them!  Enjoy the season everyone…


Some crazy links over the years.  This section was to lighten things up and throw some non-industry things out that may be of interest or are so odd and crazy you just have to see it.

“New” home-building technique.  Nope.  Don’t see it.

I never knew there was a “green-horned Owl.” Now I do.

Interesting takes here from Winona Ryder and younger actors- plus the length of movies (they are too long- especially when you add in 20 min of previews and ads- and yes I am old.)


For years, this section was a video of the week.  But then, in a moment of clarity, I switched it to a Project of the Week, and since then, it’s been a blast.  It's fun to scour LinkedIn and other social media to throw some recognition out there. This week for #1000- we go back to the great state of Texas and one of my many favorites there- Anchor Ventana Glass.  Love the Munson family and the team there.  Anchor Ventana is very active on Instagram, which is where I grabbed this one. This is the ACC District job, and this glass wall with multiple colors is a show stopper.  Well done folks!!